You can check which nodes are connected in the network, who is logged on locally, who is logged on at all the nodes or even just one node in particular. This is handy if you wish to see whether a friend is connected at the node they use. To see who is connected to the nodes, the SHOW/CONFIGURATION command is used.
show/configuration (node_call)
The first of our three examples would output something like this,
Node: Connected stations: gb7mbc sv1aaw g0vgs+ pi5ehv-8- pe0mar-11= pa3emf-1 pa3exx-1 pa0vha pe1ooy-15 pd1aeu pe0mar pe1pzs-1 pi1hvh gb7dxk- sv1aaw sv1dkr sv1na pe1awt
Note the symbols after the node callsigns. These denote the type of link to that node. In our example, the nodes pi5ehv-8 and gb7dxk are both passive links and pe0mar-11 is an active link. You will find more on this in the User Commands section.
You may also have noticed that the callsign G0VGS has a + symbol after it. This tells you that this user is in conference mode.
The second example would just show the nodes connected in the network, like this,
List of nodes: pi5ehv-8- pe0mar-11= gb7dxk- sv1aaw pe1awt
If we insert the node_call pe0mar-11 into the third example, then this would be the output,
Node: Connected stations: pe0mar-11= pa3emf-1 pa3exx-1 pa0vha pe1ooy-15 pd1aeu pe0mar pe1pzs-1 pi1hvh
As you can see, only the users of the requested node are shown.
To show the locally connected users, the SHOW/USERS command is used
The output of this command would look like this,
User: sv1aaw g0vgs+