Only the upper case parts of the commands have tp be entered, the lower case part is optional: SHOW/CONFIGURATION/NODES is identical to SH/C/N. Arguments in [square brackets] denote optional characters. They may or may not be entered. Arguments in "<" and ">" are variables. For <call> you must specify a real callsign. CLX does not care if you use upper case letters or lower case.
ANNOUNCE Announcement to all locally connected users
BYE Terminate connection
CLEAR/PROFILE Delete user profile
CLEAR/QSL Delete QSL information
CONFERENCE Enter the conference named <name>
DELETE Delete messages <nr1,..,nrX>
DIRECTORY List last five messages
DX Enter a DX spot
GREP Scan all bulletins for the string <pattern>
HELP Help for CLX commands
QUIT Terminate connection
READ Read message <nr>
REPLY Reply to message <nr>
SEND Send a message to <call> at <nodecall>
SET/ALARM Set a warning alarm for a specific string
SET/ALIVE Turn on the alive timer
SET/ANNOUNCE Turn on Announcements
SET/ANSI Turn on some colour attributes
SET/BEEP Turn on beep with DX und ANN
SET/CHARSET Define character-filter
SET/DISTRO Add the user <call> to the list <listname>
SET/DXDEDX !Switch off "internet" spots
SET/DX_ANNOUNCE Turn on show dx-spots
SET/EXIT Define exit string for talk, send etc.
SET/FILTER Set freq. or mode filter number <nr1,..,nrX>
SET/HERE Set the here - flag
SET/HOME_NODE Set home-node for messages
SET/LANGUAGE Define preferred language
SET/LOCATION Define location of your station
SET/LOGIN_ANNOUNCE Show user login and logout
SET/NAME Enter your name
SET/NOALARM Turn off the warning alarm
SET/NOALIVE Turn off the alive timer
SET/NOANNOUNCE Turn off announcements
SET/NOANSI Turn off colour attributes
SET/NOBEEP Turn off beep with DX and ANN
SET/NODISTRO Remove a user from the list <listname>
SET/NODXDEDX !Turn on "internet" spots
SET/NODX_ANNOUNCE Turn off show dx-spots
SET/NOFILTER Unset all filters or only number <nr1,..,nrX>
SET/NOHERE Set the nohere - flag
SET/NOLOGIN_ANNOUNCE Turn off user login and logout show
SET/NOTALKTIME Turn off the time in talks
SET/QTH Enter your QTH (Name)
SET/TALKTIME Set a time flag for talk sessions
SHOW/ANNOUNCEMENTS Show last five announcements
SHOW/BANDS List all segments known for <mode>
SHOW/CBA !Get callbook information for <call>
SHOW/CHARSET Show character-set currently in use
SHOW/CHARSETS Show all available character-sets
SHOW/CLUSTER Show cluster configuration information
SHOW/COMMANDS Show all udt-tables incl. info header
SHOW/CONFERENCE List all conferences going on
SHOW/CONFIGURATION Show users at node <call>
SHOW/CONTEST Show contests that fit a wildcard
SHOW/DISTRO Show members of the list <listname>
SHOW/DX Show spots from a certain date
SHOW/DXCC Show DXCC Country of <call>
SHOW/DXDEDX Show zones defined as "internet" spots
SHOW/DXFROM Show which last five callouts <call> has made
SHOW/DXSTATISTIC Query which bands have had the most DX over three time periods
SHOW/EXIT Show exit string
SHOW/FILTER Show which filter is set
SHOW/FILTERS Show all defined filters
SHOW/GRAYLINE Show grayline times for a given locator
SHOW/HEADING Show beam headings for a given locator
SHOW/LANGUAGE Show which language is set
SHOW/LANGUAGES Show all present languages
SHOW/LOG Show the last five logins/logouts of <call>
SHOW/MANAGER !Show DX calls for which <call> is manager
SHOW/PREFIX Show DXCC Country of <call>
SHOW/PROFILE Show private profile
SHOW/QSL !Show QSL information for <call>
SHOW/STATION Show personal information of <call>
SHOW/SUN Calculate sunrise/sunset for <qthloc>
SHOW/SYSOP Shows who is the sysop for this node
SHOW/UPTIME Show the uptime of the node
SHOW/USERS List of locally connected users
SHOW/WWV Show recent WWV data from <date>
TALK Switch to talk mode with <call>
UPDATE/PROFILE Modify/create login script
UPDATE/QSL Enter QSL information
WWV Input WWV data
Commands marked with a ! are sysop configurable optional commands and may not be available.
To find out differences between CLX and AK1A's PacketCluster software, use HELP PACKCLUS.