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19. CLX Commands Reference

19.1 HELP

Help <cmd>

HELP lists explanations for the different commands of CLX. HELP OVERVIEW will present you with an overview of all CLX commands. An additional parameter may be used if you want detailed information about a specific command. You may also request information for sub- commands like HELP SHOW/DX etc.



Use this command to make an announcement to all connected stations. When using the /FULL extension, the announcement will also be forwarded to other nodes (otherwise it will only be broadcast locally). The /<node_call> extension allows an announcement to be made to a specific node, while the /<distro> extension allows an announcement to the members of a distribution list.


    ANNOUNCE/FULL Good condx on 6 meters today - band open to S.A.

19.3 BYE


As you may have guessed, this is the command to gracefully say good-bye to CLX and disconnect. You can also issue a disconnect command on your local TNC or use the close command if connected via telnet.

19.4 CLEAR

CLear/QSL <dx-call> <manager>

This command is used to delete entries from the database. Also it can be used to delete one's startup script.



To clear your own user profile you just enter CLEAR/PROFILE.


        CLEAR/PROFILE              Deletes your profile


CLear/QSL <dx-call> <manager>

If you want to delete QSL information, you have to specify both the DX call and the callsign of the QSL manager.


  CLEAR/QSL LX7A DL7MAE      Clears this record from the QSL database


CONFERence <name>

This command puts you into conference mode. This allows you to have a conversation with several people at once. Everything you write will be sent to the other stations sharing the same conference.

Unlike PacketCluster, with CLX several conferences can be going on at the same time. When specifying a name with the CONFERENCE command, you will either join the existing conference or start up a new one. There is no difference between the name "m15" and "M15" in the conference name. Users in conference mode will be shown with a "+" following their callsign.

From inside the conference mode you can issue CLX commands by using the escape character "*". For example, *SH/DX/20 will bring you the last 20 DX spots from within conference mode.


CONNECT <callsign>

This command is used to trigger CLX to initiate a connect to another link partner. CLX normally builds up these connects itself after a certain delay time, but to avoid waiting you may use this command to immediately start up the connection.

This is a privileged command.


CREATE/UDT <tablename>[/<flags>] [<cmnt>]
CREATE/!UDT <tablename>[/<flags>] [<cmnt>]
DESTROY/UDT <tablename>
INFO/UDT <tablename>

These commands are used to administer private database tables. Sysops may define any number of new databases using the CREATE/UDT command. Additionally read and write flags may be specified plus a comment which is shown with the SHOW/COMMANDS command.

The flags are defined as follows:

    ++      User may read and write the table
    +-      User may read the table only (this is the default)
    -+      User may write the table (but not read --- does this make sense?)
    --      User may not read nor write the table
UDTs may also have an executable attribute which allows the definition of aliases or make a database table accessible from another network node. This is when you are using the CREATE/!UDT command.

DESTROY/UDT removes a database definition and also removes all the data in the table. The table is basically destroyed, just like the command says.

INFO/UDT is used to show information about a database table, like number of entries, when the table was created and what the access rights are.

CREATE/UDT and DESTROY/UDT are privileged commands, while INFO/UDT may also be used by a normal user.



This is a menu driven database engine interface which lets you perform different tasks, both statistics and maintenance like deleting old user records, cleaning up the mail directory, purging the user log and showing number of records in different tables. To make this command usable even through packet radio, there is only a one-line prompt, but if you wish to see all available options, use the command H (for help).

This is a privileged command.


DELete <nr1> [,nr2,...nrX>]
DELete/NODE <nr1> [,nr2,...nrX>]
DELete/BULletin <filename>
DELete/BULletin <year>/<filename>

The DELETE command is used to delete one or several messages. You can delete the message(s) only if you are the originator or the addressee of the mail message. You can delete several messages at a time by specifying the numbers separated with commas.

If your message is not kept locally but goes into a mail forwarding queue, you can list the message with the DIR/NODE command and delete the files with DELETE/NODE.

DELETE/BULLETIN allows you to delete a specific bulletin file from the bulletin file area. This is a privileged command.


    DELETE 803                       Delete message 803
    DELETE 803,805,807               Delete messages 803, 805 and 807
    DELETE/NODE 1205                 Delete message 1205 in the forwarding 
    DELETE/BULLETIN OPDX352.98       Delete the bulletin named "opdx352.98" 
                                     in the current year directory.
    DELETE/BULLETIN 1997/OPDX324.97  Delete the bulletin named
                                     "opdx324.97" in the 1997 directory.



19.11 DIR



DIRectory <call>
DIRectory/<n> <call>
DIRectory/NODE <node_call>
DIRectory/BULletin <expr>
DIRectory/BULletin <expr>/<year>

DIRECTORY shows a directory listing of the last five mail messages on the system. CLX does not differentiate between private mail and public messages. Everybody can read and see everything.

With an additional parameter <n> you can choose how many messages are displayed. DIRECTORY/10 for example lists the last 10 messages. The maximum for <n> is 99.

DIRECTORY/NEW lists only new messages after the last DIRECTORY/NEW command was issued.

Other extensions are DIRECTORY/OWN to list your own messages and DIRECTORY <call> where you can list messages from and to a specific callsign.

Messages which were read by the receiver are marked with a dash "-" next to the message number. A figure after this symbol shows how often the message was read, either by the addressee or by others.

Messages which have to be forwarded to another node can be listed only with the DIRECTORY/NODE <node_call> command. These files are physically located in a spool directory and will be automatically deleted after forwarding has completed. DIRECTORY/NODE without a node_callsign will show messages from you which are to be forwarded to other nodes.

DX bulletins are collected in a special directory. The list of bulletins is available with the DIRECTORY/BULLETIN command. As an argument, you must specify at least three leading characters of the file name, you are searching for. Additionally, a year number (four digits) may be specified before the filename or search mask.


    DIRECTORY                     Lists the most recent 5 messages
    DIRECTORY/20                  Lists the most recent 20 messages
    DIRECTORY/NEW                 Lists all new messages
    DIRECTORY/OWN                 Lists your own messages
    DIRECTORY DL7MAT              Lists messages to or from DL7MAT
    DIRECTORY/NODE                Lists messages which will be forwarded later
    DIRECTORY/NODE DB0CLX         Lists messages which will be forwarded to
                                  DB0CLX at a later time
    DIRECTORY/BULLETIN opdx*      Lists any bulletins matching "opdx*" from the
                                  current year.
    DIRECTORY/BULLETIN 1997/opdx* Lists any bulletins named "opdx*" from the
                                  1997 directory.


DISCONNECT <callsign>

This command is used to immediately disconnect a specific callsign, either a user or a node callsign. The station will be signed out as if it had sent a BYE command. Unfortunately, the command will always return with a message saying "Disconnecting ..." although the station may not be logged in at all. Check with SHOW/USERS if your disconnect command was successful.

This is a privileged command.

19.14 DX

DX <call> <freq> [<rmx>]

The DX command is used to make DX callouts. This callout follows a specific scheme, which always contains callsign and frequency, often accompanied by additional remarks.

The callout will be forwarded to all other stations connected including yourself (as a control). DX information which cannot be expressed in a callout, should be announced via the ANNOUNCE command.

The frequency has to be specified in kHz. If you want to specify 100 Hz digits, you must put them behind a decimal point (not a comma). Additional information can be added up to 28 characters in length. Anything longer will be truncated.


    DX EA8ZS 3535.3
    DX A61AJ 7013.7 up

19.15 GET

GET: -> PUT.

19.16 GREP

GREP <pattern>

The GREP command helps you to look up information in bulletin files. When specifying a pattern, all available bulletin files are scanned in full-text mode and the lines containing the pattern are printed together with the name of the file in square brackets.

This is a support tool allowing you to retrieve specific DX information from a (probably, hopefully) huge and complete collection of electronic DX bulletin data.

Unlike other CLX commands, the search pattern is case dependent, so looking for "DF7RX" will give different results than looking for "df7rx".


    GREP DF7RX                  Scan bulletins for the string "DF7RX"

19.17 INFO


19.18 LS

LS: -> PUT.


MONITOR <callsign>

This utility allows you to trace a user's (or maybe a link partner's) activity. The command depends on your sysop having enabled logging to the  clx_us/log/io.log. If there is no such file, the command returns with an error message.

After having entered the command, any input and output of the user is being traced and sent back to you indicating the callsign and the data direction with -> and <-. If you decide to follow another user, use the command "f <callsign>". To leave MONITOR, use "q".

When you are running MONITOR, no other commands are available. DX spots and other general broadcast messages will intermix with the output of MONITOR.

MONITOR is a privileged command.

19.20 PUT

GET <filename>
LS <filename>
PUT <filename>
RM <filename>

These are privileged commands.

These four commands operate on the files and directories under  clx_us/box. This directory contains all kinds of different changible files like mail messages, spool directories for mail fowarding, login scripts, the welcome message, help files and DX bulletins.

The LS command lists files, GET reads a file, PUT writes a file and RM erases a file. These are raw commands, sometimes used to delete a user's broken profile or remove mail forwarding messages to a specific node. Do not mix up these commands with the equivalent Unix commands. The difference is that the CLX commands both remove the file from the directory and additionally delete the entry in the database table. Doing only one of the two would lead to an inconsistency and will generate a warning message at next CLX startup.


    GET batch/start/dk3gi   Read DK3GI's startup file
    RM batch/start/dk3gi    Erase DK3GI's startup file
    LS iclb/ok0dxi          List messages to be forwarded
                            to OK0DXI

19.21 PW


The PW command is used to initiate the Baycom password dialog. If a Baycom password has been defined by the sysop, CLX prompts you with five numbers which are the positions of the characters in the password. As an answer you are sending these characters, optionally with leading and trailing "noise" characters. If you sent the correct password, you will be in sysop mode.

PW OFF turns off sysop mode again.

The sysop level is probably also available through the SET/PRIVIGLEGE command, however a different procedure is being used here.

19.22 QUIT


19.23 RCMD

RCMD/<node_call> <command>

The RCMD command allows any user to execute commands on a remote node. The execution is limited to certain subset of commands, no privileged commands can be run. The result of the remote command is sent back prefixed with the callsign of the remote node.


    RCMD/DB0CLX SHOW/USERS                  Send a remote command to DB0CLX
The response would be like this:

    Remote command sent to db0clx.
    dl6rai de db0bcc   19-Jul-1998 0824Z   clx >
    db0clx: User:
    db0clx:     db0wgs-15     dk2wv    oe5ukl     dl5no     dj0zy    ik5pwl
    db0clx:     dk2oy
    db0clx: dl6rai de db0clx   19-Jul-1998 0824Z   clx >

19.24 READ

Read <n>

Read mail message number <n>. Message numbers can be listed with the DIRECTORY command.

19.25 REPLY

REPly <n>
REPly/DELete <n>

Use REPLY to answer a mail message. Contrary to PacketCluster you must always specify the message number to be replied to. The subject field will automatically be changed to ">:" <old_subject>.

The optional modifier /DELETE will delete the original message after your reply is sent.


        REPLY 807          prepares an reply for msg nr. 807
        REPLY/DELETE 807   prepares an reply for msg nr. 807 and
                           additionally removes msg nr. 807 after
                           successful completion of the new message.

19.26 REREAD


Use this command to force CLX to re-read the files adv_txt, clx_par and cluster_par after applying changes. CLX detects a change of these files normally within five minutes but if you require immediate action, you can use this command to trigger a re-read.

This is a privileged command.

19.27 RINST

RINST/<node_call> <command>

The RINST command allows a sysop to execute commands on a remote node. The effect of this command is that an appropriate PC34 message is generated and sent to the remote node. Replies are silently ignored and no feedback message is returned. This command should be used to allow simple tasks like setting time on remote DOS-based nodes (this was the original idea for this command).



19.28 RM

RM: -> PUT.

19.29 SEND

Send <call> <subject>
Send <call>><node_call> <subject>
Send <call>@<node_call> <subject>
Send/Copy <#msg> <call>

This command is used to generate a mail message either to one specific user or to a bulletin address. Unlike PacketCluster you must specify everything on one line with the send command. The title may be 30 characters long at maximum.

The system will then prompt you to enter the message. To abort the message use ctrl-Y. To end the message, use either "/exit" on a new line, ctrl-Z or "***end". You may also use your exit string if you have defined one. As a check, you could now list the message with the "directory" command and read it if you wished.

Clx does not differentiate between private and public messages. Everything can be read by everybody. Messages however, can only be deleted by the addressee or the originator.

If the message is to be forwarded to another cluster or CLX node, you must use the forward symbols ">" or "@". You must not put blanks between the callsign of the addressee and the cluster/CLX node call. Messages for users who have an entry in the home node table, will automatically be routed there.

SEND/COPY may be used to send a copy of a message to another user.


    SEND DL6RAI So ein Mist!       Prepares a message to Dl6RAI with
                                   the title "So ein Mist!"
    SEND DJ0ZY@DB0CLX Hallo        Prepares a message to DJ0ZY (to
                                   be forwarded to DB0CLX) with the
                                   title "Hallo".
    SEND/COPY 807 DL2NBU           Sends a copy of msg nr. 807 to

19.30 SET


The set command allows the change of user specified settings. These are the set commands:

Further assistance may be requested by specifying the appropriate command with HELP, like HELP SET/LANGUAGE.


SEt/ALarm <string>

This feature allows you to wait for a special string to show up either in 1. Login/Logout 2. DX spots (call and comment field) 3. Accouncements

It can be useful when you are waiting for a rare DX call or a friend. The matching is case independent and the alarm will produce a long beep (3 times ctrl-G) when it is triggered.

The alarm function can be disabled by using SET/NOALARM. The setting is volatile, so it is not remembered over a CLX session.


SEt/ALive [<char>]

This command switches on an anti-timeout poll. CLX will send you a binary ctrl-A character every ten minutes in an attempt to keep your connection busy during quiet periods. If you specify an optional character, CLX will send this character instead of the ctrl-A. Characters may be specified hexadecimal or decimal.


    SET/ALIVE 13         Will make CLX send you a carriage return 
      -- or --           character ten minutes.
    SET/ALIVE 0xd



This command turns the reception of announcements on after having turned them off with SET/NOANNOUNCE.



Turns on color attributes for DX spots, announce, talk messages, new mail and login/logout messages. This works only for an ANSI-based Terminal. This command is permanent and the setting will be saved in your user record.



Turn beeps on for TALK, DX, ANN and NEW MAIL. Default is off. Following PacketCluster conventions, this is the number of ctrl-G- characters (Bell or Beep characters) sent:

          Announce = ^G
              Talk = ^G
                DX = ^G^G
          New Mail = ^G^G^G


SEt/CHARSet <charset>

Selects your preferred character set. Default is IBM, so that most user will never have to touch this parameter. However, if you are running under Unix or another strange opreating system and have problems reading the special "umlaut" characters of your native language, try this. By default, the following character sets are defined in CLX: ISO, IBM and DIN. Specifying the command without an argument will switch back to the default setting.




SET/DISTRO <listname> <callsign>
SET/NODISTRO <listname> <callsign>

Adds or removes a callsign to or from a distribution list. If the list does not exist, it will be created. If the last member of a list is being removed the list will be removed too. Callsigns have to be added one by one.

This is a privileged command.


    SET/DISTRO UKW DL5MAE       Puts DL5MAE on the UKW list
    SET/NODISTRO UKW DL5MAE     Removes DL5MAE from the UKW list



This command turns the reception of DX spots on after having turned them off with SET/NODX_ANNOUNCE.



When you have previously disabled DX spots from other continents, you can re-enable them with SET/DXDEDX.


SEt/EXit <string>

This command allows you to enter a different "exit" string for terminating messages, files etc. The default is "/exit" or "^Z" on a new line.


    SET/EXIT ***end          Changes your exit string to "***end"


SEt/FIlter <nr1,nr2,..,nrX>

This command lets you set reject filters as defined by your sysop. You first should look up which filters are defined at your CLX node. This is the default list:

    Filter   Meaning
      1      VHF 144.000 MHz and up
      2      HF  30.000 MHz and down
      3      TOP 1.800-2.000 MHz
      4      all the CW band segments
      5      all the SSB band segments
      6      all the RTTY band segments
      7      all the WARC bands
Your sysop may or may not have defined further filters. You can find out by using the SHOW/FILTERS command.

After you have decided which filters you would like to switch in, you use the command as follows:

    SET/FILTER 4,6
This turns on the CW and RTTY filters, so will leave you only with SSB spots. To further narrow the filter settings, you can add more filters:

    SET/FILTER 1,3
The setting is now 1,3,4 and 6 which eliminates all spots except SSB spots on the HF bands from 80 to 10 meters, including the WARC bands.



This command removes the away flag from your callsign if you have set it with the SET/NOHERE command, thus telling users that you are at your console.


SEt/HOME_node <call>

State to which CLX or PacketCluster node mail messages for your should be forwarded. This information will also be passed around on the net. If no callsign is given, then the presently registered information will be deleted.

If you do not set the home_node explicitly, CLX will decide on its own by counting the number of logins at a specific node. If you log in more than five times at the same node, it will assume that this is your (probably new) home node. However, if you have ever manually set this information, CLX will not change it on its own.


SEt/LAnguage <language>

This command lets you select the preferred language for interacting with the CLX system. You may lookup which languages are available with the SHOW/LANGUAGES command. This command refers to normal system messages as well as HELP. Using SET/LANGUAGE with no argument will switch back to the default, which could be English or any other language your Sysop has defined to be the default.


SEt/LOCation <coordinates or qth locator>

This command allows you to enter geographical coordinates in degrees and minutes North/South, East/West. This information is needed when sunrise/sunset is calculated and when beam headings or propagation forecasts are made. As an alternative, you can specify your location with the Maidenhead QTH locator which is probably better known to you than the geographical position. The QTH locator will then be converted into degrees and minutes.


    SET/LOCATION 48 34 N 12 12 E


SET/LOCKOUT <callsign>
SET/NOLOCKOUT <callsign>

This is a privileged command. Sets or resets the "login_ignored" flag in the callsign's record so that connects from this station are refused. When the station tries to connect, it will receive the connect but immediately followed by a disconnect.

To change a station's entry back to the default, use SET/NOLOCKOUT.


    SET/LOCKOUT dl6rai           locks out DL6RAI
    SET/NOLOCKOUT dl6rai         allows DL6RAI to connect again



Set to see user logins and logouts locally. For each login or logout (user or cluster node), a message is sent to you from the system:

    Login at 1929Z: DL6RAI
    Logout at 1930Z: DK2OY
On a busy node this will generate a lot of traffic.



Use this command to change or create a new login message which is presented to each user at login. Send the command SET/MOTD, then return, wait for the system to prompt you, and then start entering the message. Finish with "/exit".

This is a privileged command.


SEt/NAME <name>

This command allows you to enter your name. After you have done this, CLX will usually greet you at login with your name. The default name is "om".



Turns off a previously set alarm with SET/ALARM <string>.



This command switches off an anti-timeout poll. If on, CLX will send you a binary '0' character every ten minutes in an attempt to keep your link alive.



This command turns the reception of announcements off. This could, for example be used if you were reading a lengthy message and did not want announcements in between the lines or if you are tired of reading announcements in Japanese and Finnish. This command is permanent, it will disable the receiving of announcements to you until you re-enable them with SET/ANNOUNCE.



Turns off color attributes previously switched on using SET/ANSI.



Turn beeps off for TALK, DX,ANN and NEW MAIL.





This command turns the reception of DX spots off. This could, for example be used if you were reading a lengthy message and did not want DX spots in between the lines. This command is permanent, it will disable the sending of DX spots to you until you re-enable them with SET/DX_ANNOUNCE.



This command is used to turn off so-called internet spots when correctly configured by the sysop. DX spots originating from specific WAZ zones are not forwarded to you when you have issued a SET/NODXDEDX command. This flag is saved in your user record so you will only have to specify it once to turn these (for you) annoying messages of. The default is to send all DX spots.

For example, your sysop could have defined zones 03, 04, 05 and 25 as DX zones. If you then turn on the NO-DX-de-DX filter, you will never again receive any spots from these areas although other users probably will.

This command also applies to plain SHOW/DX and SHOW/DX/<n> requests.

To look up, which zones were being defined as DX zones, use the command SHOW/DXDEDX.


SEt/NOFIlter <nr1,nr2,..,nrX>

To remove a filter from your selection, you can use the SET/NOFILTER command. You can remove specific filters by adding the filter number as an argument.

     set/nofilter 1
     set/nofilter 1,3
Without any arguments, SET/NOFILTER will delete all filters and you will receive everything once more.



This command is used to indicate to other users that you are not currently at your computer's console and so they will probably be waiting in vain for a quick response from your side. Use this command if you are away. After sending a SET/NOHERE to CLX, your callsign will show up in brackets in the user list. Also your prompt will change and show your callsign in brackets. After you return, issue a SET/HERE command and everything will return to normal.

Even when you are away, you will still continue to receive DX spots, announcements and talks.





Set if you do not wish to see user and node logins and logouts locally. The default is off.



This command is used to delete the login message previously created with the SET/MOTD command.

This is a privileged command.



This command is for sysops and administators of the node only. When the command is issued, any priveleges that were set are removed and you become a normal user again.



This command turns the reception of DX spots, announcements and login/logout messages off.



This turns off the option which makes talk messages directed to you show up with a time indicator previously enabled with the command SET/TALKTIME.





This command is for sysops and administators of the node only. When the command is issued, CLX responds with a string which you have to reply to correctly. Further details are described in the CLX sysop manual.

Administrators may switch another user into sysop mode during their current session by specifying a callsign after the SET/PRIVILEGE command.


SEt/QTH <name>

This command allows you to enter your city, town, village - whatever you like to specify here. This information will show up when you request sunrise/sunset calculations, beam headings or propagation forecasts.



This command turns the reception of DX spots and announcements back on.



This command makes talk messages directed to you show up with time field so you know when the talk message was sent to you.


    dl6rai de df3cb: Helo

    dl6rai de df3cb(1726Z): Helo
This option is kept in your user record so you need to specify it only once. To turn this option off, use the command SET/NOTALKTIME.



This is a privileged command. Activates or deactivates the CLX watchdog or shows its status. This command is used to actively disable the watchdog when you are planning to do an update of the CLX software or other very cpu-intense tasks where the watchdog could probably "think" that CLX was dead and initiate a shutdown.

19.31 SHOW


The show command is used for accessing different tables and data bases of CLX. These are the available SHOW commands:

Further assistance may be requested by specifying the appropriate command with HELP, like HELP SHOW/DX.


SHow/ANNouncements '<string>'

Show the latest announcements. With the optional parameter <n>, (where "n" is a number), you may request a specific number of announcements. Adding a string (enclosed in single quotes) to the SHOW/ANNOUNCEMENTS command looks up and announcements containing <string>. This helps you look up specific information in announcements.


SHow/AnnouncementsFrom <call>
SHow/AnnouncementsFrom/<n> <call>

This command lets you select announcements from a specific logger. For example, with SHOW/ANNF/10 HB9DFG you will see the last 10 announcements that were entered by HB9DFG.


SHow/BANDS <mode>

This command lists all bands and frequency limits known by CLX. This way you can find out which argument to use when, for example, you are looking for spots from 47 GHz.


    SHOW/BANDS                   Lists all available bands
    SHOW/BANDS RTTY              Lists all RTTY segments known to CLX


SHow/CBA <call> [<call>...]

Depending on whether the sysop has installed this information database, this command prints callbook information for the specified callsign(s).


    SHOW/CBA DK3GI                  looks up Callbook information for 
    SHOW/CBA DK3GI DF4RD            looks up Callbook information for
                                    DK3GI and DF4RD.



This command shows the character set currently in use by you. You may change the character set with the SET/CHARSET command to fit your operating system or local conventions. This may help to show special national characters correctly on your screen.



This command shows a listing of the currently available character sets.



This command shows the current cluster configuration with number of links, local users and total nodes in the network. Additionally, the start time is printed and the uptime in days, hours, minutes and seconds.



Shows all user data tables, i.e. address database, IOTA database or whatever your sysop has installed as a database including the creation date of the file and its permissions. Some databases may be read-only for users, that is you are not allowed to add or change any data. Others may allow updating.



CLX allows multiple conferences to exist simultaneously. Anybody can start a new conference if they so wish by using an argument to the CONFERENCE command.

To list the active conferences (if any are in use), use the SHOW/CONFERENCE command.


SHow/Configuration <call>

Show connected nodes and (as far as known) the users logged on. If a node callsign is given, the current users of that node will be shown. With the extension /NODES only direct links will be shown. With the /LINKS extension, directly linked nodes will be shown with their respective network nodes.

Direct links are marked with a symbol:

    = Active connection
    - Passive connection
    ~ Trying connection
    ^ Initialization started
    ? Status uncertain
CLX distinguishes between so-called active and passive cluster connections. On active connections DX spots are exchanged between nodes. On passive connections CLX sends nothing and only receives. These types of passively received DX-Spots are not passed on to other AK1A-nodes because they would create loops and circulating DX spots. They are only broadcasted locally and passed on to other CLX nodes in the network.


SHow/CONTEST <month>
SHow/CONTEST <month>/<year>
SHow/CONTEST <year>
SHow/CONTEST <title>
SHow/CONTEST <wildcard>*

This command lets you retrieve contest dates and rule information from DF7RX's famous collection of contest rules. You may either specify a month in numerical or abbreviated form, a year (like 1998), the name of a rules file (shown in the monthly or yearly overview) or a wildcard like "rsgb*" to look up all RSGB contests. Dates and times are computed for the month specified.


    SHOW/CONTEST              Shows contest dates and times for current month.
    SHOW/CONTEST 1            Shows contest dates and times for January.
    SHOW/CONTEST 1/97         Shows contest dates and times for January 1997.
    SHOW/CONTEST 99           Shows contest dates and times for the year 1999.
    SHOW/CONTEST WAE          Shows complete contest rules including current
                              dates for the WAE DX Contest.
    SHOW/CONTEST RSGB*        Shows a listing of all RSGB contests in the


SHow/COORDINATES <location> [<location> ...]

This command calculates the geographical coordinates in degrees and minutes. Latitude is shown North (N) or South (S) of the equator, longitude is shown East (E) or West (W) of Greenwich. Additionally the Maidenhead QTH locator is calculated.

Several arguments can be specified at the same time.


SHOW/COORDINATES KL7 Calculates geographical coordinates of your QTH and all known KL7 locations.

    SHOW/COORDINATES JN58VF JN68BM  Calculates geographical coordinates of
                                    your QTH and the locations JN58VF and 


SHOW/CSTAT [<call> ...]

This command gives you a short overview of connect characteristics for users of link partners. It lists the number of connects in the log file, the total amount of time connected and the average connect time for each of the callsigns specified or - if no callsign is given - for your own callsign. You may use wildcard characters like ? and * to specify callsign groups.

This is a privileged command.


    SHOW/CSTAT db0*


SHow/DISTRO <listname>

Distribution lists are a means to automatically reach several people with one single mail message. After having entered the message with a regular SEND command, the message will be copied to each single callsign on the distribution list. This command serves to look up available distribution lists and find out who is on which.


    SHOW/DISTRO             Lists all available distribution lists
    SHOW/DISTRO UKW         Lists members of the dirtribution list "UKW"


SHow/DX <band>
SHow/DX [*]<fragment>[*]
SHow/DX #<mode>
SHow/DX <freq1>-<freq2>
SHow/DX 'comment'
SHow/DX <date>

This command is used to query the DX spots database. There are several selction options which may be used as a single command or in combination.

You may select:

    - by number of spots shown
    - by band (MHz or meters)
    - by callsign (fragment)
    - by mode
    - by offset
    - by exact frequency
    - by comment
    - by date
The SHOW/DX command is the most widely used command on CLX.


    SHOW/DX/20               Shows last 20 DX spots
    SHOW/DX 20               Shows the last 5 spots on 20 meters
    SHOW/DX/20 20            Shows the last 20 spots on 20 meters
    SHOW/DX KL7              Shows the last 5 spots from KL7 stations
    SHOW/DX *KL*             Shows the last 5 spots from stations with
                             the letters 'KL' somewhere in the callsign
    SHOW/DX KL*              Shows the last 5 spots from stations starting
                             with 'KL'
    SHOW/DX *KL              Shows the last 5 spots from stations ending
                             in 'KL'
    SHOW/DX #RTTY            Shows the last 5 spots in RTTY. Other known
                             modes are: #CW, #SSB, #SAT and #BEACON
    SHOW/DX/30-40            Shows last 30 to 40 spots. This works only
                             with the last 999999 spots and only one
                             year back maximum.
    SHOW/DX 14000-14033      Shows spots between 14.000 MHz and 14.033 MHz.
    SHOW/DX 'pile'           Shows spots with the word 'pile' in the
                             comment field. (Case insensitive).
    SHOW/DX 2-JUL-1998       Shows DX spots from July 2, 1998
    SHOW/DX/3 10 #CW KL7     A combination of the above: lists the three 
                             most recent spots from KL7 on 10 meters CW
With the plain SHOW/DX and SHOW/DX/<n> command, the settings of NODXDEDX are honored.


SHow/DXCC <call or prefix>

This command is used to query CLX's DXCC database for a callsign or prefix. This information is gathered from a recent version of CTY.DAT, the country information file of the popular contest software CT, (c) K1EA.



Lists zones, which were defined as DX zones with respect of the originator of a DX spot. This list is used when you are using the SET/NODXDEDX function to disable receiving spots originating from other continents probably brought in by Internet links. See HELP SET/NODXDEDX for further details.


SHow/DXFrom <call>
SHow/DXFrom/<n> <call>

This command lets you select DX spots from a specific logger. For example, with SHOW/DXFROM/10 G0SWR you will see the last 10 DX spots that were entered by G0SWR.





This command lets you query statistical data about the DX database for the last hour, the last six hours and the last 24 hours. A band-by-band listing will be generated showing the number of DX spots reported during these time intervals.



This command shows your personal current exit string which can be changed with SET/EXIT.



The command SHOW/FILTER shows your current filter settings. Normally there are no filters at all but if you specified some with SET/FILTER, you will see which filters are set. See HELP SET/FILTER for further details.



This command shows which filters are available on the system.


SHow/GRAYLINE <location> [<location> ...]

Like SHOW/SUN, this command calculates sunrise and sunset times for a specific location from a user's call, a prefix from the DXCC database, the system file location.dat or a QTH locator. Additionally the beginning of dawn and the end of dusk are calculated too. This allows you to see grayline-windows for specific locations. The grayline window may be as short as 20 minutes and as long as 24 hours depending on where you are on this world and what time of the year.

There are five different cases that can happen:

1. We have dawn, sunrise, day, sunset, dusk and night, the normal case 2. Polar day, sun always above horizon. 3. Polar day, with dawn and dusk but no night phase. Dawn begins at local midnight, when dusk ends. 4. Polar night, no dusk or dawn. 5. Polar night with dawn and dusk but no day phase.

For these five cases we have different forms of output formats:

        begin                end
        of     sun-   sun-   of
        dawn   rise   set    dusk
     1. 03:46  04:01  18:07  18:22
     2. --:--  00:00  24:00  --:--
     3. 23:04  04:01  18:07  23:04 
     4. --:--  --:--  --:--  --:--
     5. 03:46  --:--  --:--  18:22

SHOW/GRAYLINE calculates the sunrise/sunset and grayline times for your own QTH (if you have set your location data with SET/LOCATION).

    SHOW/SUN JN58VF DJ0ZY KL7       calculates the sunrise/sunset and
                                    grayline times for your own QTH, 
                                    the place located in JN58VF, the 
                                    location of DJ0ZY, and for any of 
                                    the KL7 locations in the system 
                                    file location.dat.


SHow/HEADING <location> [<location> ...]

This command calculates beam heading, distance and reciprocal beam heading for a specific location from a user's call, a prefix from the DXCC database, the system file location.dat or a QTH locator. What is a reciprocal beam heading you ask? It is the beam heading that your partner needs to turn his antenna to. For locations further away than 8,000 kilometers, the long path will also be calculated.

Several arguments can be specified at the same time.


SHOW/HEADING KL7 calculates the distance and beam heading from your QTH to KL7, Alaska. If there is no location information for your station, the location of your country in the country database will be used.

    SHOW/HEADING JN58VF JN68BM      Calculates the distance and beam heading
                                    from your QTH to JN58VF and to JN68BM.



Shows the system language you have selected at the moment. This language is used with system messages and help information. You may change this with the SET/LANGUAGE command.



This command shows which languages are available on the system.


SHow/LOCATOR <location> [<location> ...]

This command calculates the geographical coordinates in degrees and minutes. Latitude is shown North (N) or South (S) of the equator, longitude is shown East (E) or West (W) of Greenwich. Additionally the Maidenhead QTH locator is calculated.

Several arguments can be specified at the same time.


SHOW/LOCATOR KL7 Calculates geographical coordinates of your QTH and all known KL7 locations.

    SHOW/LOCATOR JN58VF JN68BM      Calculates geographical coordinates of
                                    your QTH and the locations JN58VF and 


SHow/LOg <call>

Shows times for login and logout of users and nodes in the system. The default is to show the last five log messages. If you wish to see more, you may add a figure to the command like SHOW/LOG/20 to see the last 20 logins/logouts.

You may also select a specifiy callsign. SHOW/LOG DL2NBU shows the last five logins/logouts from DL2NBU with any SSID. If you specify the SSID, only those records will be listed.


    SHOW/LOG                  Shows the last 5 logins/logouts
    SHOW/LOG DL2NBU           Shows the last 5 logins/logouts of DL2NBU
    SHOW/LOG/10 DL2NBU        Shows the last 10 logins/logouts of DL2NBU
    SHOW/LOG/10 DL2NBU-3      Shows the last 10 logins/logouts of DL2NBU-3


SHow/MANAGer <call>

Show the stations for whom a particular callsign is QSL manager

The QSL database like other databases, may or may not be open for user updates. This depends on how your sysop has configured the database.


    SHOW/MANAGER W3HNK     shows for which stations W3HNK is a 
                           QSL manager


SHow/MOON <location> [<location> ...]

This command calculates azimuth, elevation and the time of the next moonset and moonrise for any given location from a user's call, a prefix from the DXCC database, the system file location.dat or a QTH locator. Several arguments can be specified at the same time. A negative elevation indicates that the moon is below the horizon. If the moonset or moonrise was on a previous day or will be on the next day a + or - character will be shown in front of the times given to indicate this.

An algorithm based on the program MOONTRAK.BAS originating from WB7CCI and G3RWL is used for this calculation. The results were checked and verified against W5UN's MS-DOS program MOONBRAT.EXE.


SHOW/MOON calculates the moon data for your own QTH (if you have set your location data with SET/LOCATION and SET/QTH).

    SHOW/MOON JN58VF DJ0ZY KL7      calculates the moon data 
                                    for your own QTH, the place 
                                    located in JN58VF, the location of 
                                    DJ0ZY, and for any of the KL7 locations 
                                    in the system file location.dat.


SHow/PREfix <call or prefix>

This command is used to query CLX's DXCC database for a callsign or prefix. This information is gathered from a recent version of CTY.DAT, the country information file of the popular contest software CT, (c) K1EA.


SHow/PROFile <call>

This command lists your personal login profile script which is always executed when you login to the system. This is often used for listing recent DX spots, users etc. Your profile may be changed with the UPDATE/PROFILE command. If you want to take a look into another's user profile, you can use SHOW/PROFILE <call>


SHow/QSL <call>

CLX has a structured QSL information database for DX stations and their QSL managers. Here, only DX callsigns and manager callsigns are to be found. Direct mail addresses are stored elsewehere. The reason for this is that the QSL database may be used in reverse to look up for which stations a QSL manager is acting using the SHOW/MANAGER command.

The output for SH/QSL shows DX station, QSL manager and who entered this information on which date. Additionally, a comment may have been entered.

The QSL database, like other databases may or may not be open for user updates. This depends on how your sysop has configured the database.


         SHOW/QSL LX7A          shows QSL manager for LX7A





SHOW/SETTINGS shows current user settings like ANSI, DXDEDX, BEEP, Filter settings etc.


SHow/STATion <call>

This command is used to show the personal data of another CLX user like name, QTH, location, last login etc. The first line indicates to which node the station is connected or if it is not connected at all.


SHow/SUN <location> [<location> ...]

This command calculates sunrise and sunset times for a specific location from a user's call, a prefix from the DXCC database, the system file location.dat or a QTH locator. Several arguments can be specified at the same time.


SHOW/SUN calculates the sunrise/sunset times for your own QTH (if you have set your location data with SET/LOCATION).

    SHOW/SUN JN58VF DJ0ZY KL7       calculates the sunrise/sunset 
                                    times for your own QTH, the place 
                                    located in JN58VF, the location of 
                                    DJ0ZY, and for any of the KL7 locations 
                                    in the system file location.dat.



This command allows you to find the name of the system operator for this CLX installation if he has chosen to put this information into the system. If not, a message is displayed saying that no information is present.


SHow/TRIGPOINT [<location1>] <heading1> <location2> <heading2> [<location>]
SHow/SCATTER [<location1>] <heading1> <location2> <heading2> [<location>]

This command calculates a triangulation point for beam headings from two locations. This is what you get when you draw beam headings on a map from two points to find out where they cross. This command can be used for determinating scatter areas for 10 and 24 GHz rain scatter propagation, finding FAI points for 50 and 144 MHz or for locating an unknown signal source with known beam headings from two locations.

This is a very sophisticated feature, based on a BASIC program written by OE5VRL. If additional locations are mentioned, the beam heading from these locations to the trigpoint will be calculated too, enabling you to predict where other stations will have to point their antenna. If <location1> is left off, your own location (if it has been entered) will be used.

There are some situations where the command may fail or give incorrect results, like when the two beam headings are identical or very close. However, the algorithm has been of practical use among GHz enthusiasts.



    SHOW/SCATTER 35 JN68AH 330             Calculates trigpoint for
                                           a beam heading of 35 degrees
                                           from my QTH and 330 degrees
                                           from JN68AH.
    SHOW/SCATTER JN58VF 35 JN68AH 330      Calculates trigpoint for a
                                           beam heading of 35 degrees
                                           from JN58VF and 330 degrees
                                           from JN68AH.



This command shows the system uptime in days, hours minutes and seconds after the last start.



Shows users who are locally connected to the system. Users which have set the not-here flag are shown in brackets. Users in conference mode will be shown with a '+' character at the end.



This command shows the current version of the CLX software running on the system and some copyright information.




SHow/WCY <date>
SHow/WCY MAXimum <days>
SHow/WCY MINimum <days>

Shows solar and geomagnetic data collected and transmitted by the DK0WCY Aurora Beacon System at Scheggerott near Kiel, northern Germany. By default, the five last WCY spots are shown. You may request more spots by adding a figure behind the command, like SHOW/WCY/20. Additionally, you may specify a date to look up WCY data from a specific date, like SHOW/WCY 12-FEB-2000. You may also specify the parameters MAXIMUM or MINIMUM to list maximum or minimum solar flux spots in the last <n> days.

The data is structured into eight fields. The meaning of these fields is as follows:

k: k-Index (0..9) The k index is an indicator for geomagnetic activity over the last of the eight 3-hours measuring periodes, which start at 0 utc (0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-18, 18-21, 21-24 utc). Its value is from 0 to 9, where 0 means a very quiet geomagnetic field and 9 indicates a severe magnetic storm.

expK: expected k-index for the next hour (0..9) The k index expected represents the already measured activity - starting from the beginning of the current 3-hours measuring periode.

A: A-Index (0..400) The A index is also a measure for the geomagnetic field, but smoothed over the last 24 hours and on a scale of 0 to 400, where 0 means a very quiet geomagnetic field, while > 50 means very stormy conditions, it may reach 400.

R: Sunspot Number (0..300) The sun spot number is an indicator for solar activity. It is calculated on the number of visible spots on the sun in relation to the number of spot groups. During low sunspot activity years, numbers around 0..50 are common, while during periods of high activity, values of up to 300 can be observed.

SFI: Solar Flux Index (65..300) The Solar Flux Index is another, more objective means of describing solar activity. The value shows the amount of the energy flux to earth (sun noise), measured at 2800 MHz.

SA: Sun Activity (qui,eru,act,maj,pro,war,nil) The Sun Activity is classified as follows:

    qui = quiet
    eru = eruptive
    act = active
    maj = major flare
    pro = proton flare
    war = warning conditions
    nil = no info available
It is a classification of the current sun conditions with reference to the solar cycle.

GMF: Geomagnetic Field (qui,act,min,maj,sev,mag,war,nil) The geomagnetic field is classified as follows:

    qui = quiet
    act = active
    min = minor storm
    maj = major storm
    sev = severe storm
    mag = magstorm in progress
    war = warning conditions
    nil = no info available
AU: Aurora Status (no,aurora,strong) The Aurora status as oberved at DK0WCY. Currently the aurora status is set manually but in the near future, it will be determined automatically by processing the SK4MPI 2m-beacon signals received at DK0WCY using DSP methods.

The Aurora status is classified as follows:

    no = no Aurora
    aurora = Aurora is reported
    strong = strong Aurora is reported

    SHOW/WCY                 Shows the last 5 WCY spots
    SHOW/WCY/20              Shows the last 20 WCY spots
    SHOW/WCY 12-FEB-2000     Shows up to 5 spots from February 12, 2000
    SHOW/WCY MAXIMUM 60      Shows the 5 spots with the highest SF number
                             in the last 60 days.


SHow/Wwv <date>
SHow/Wwv MAXimum <days>
SHow/Wwv MINimum <days>

Shows WWV propagation data in the fixed CLX format. By default, the five last spots are shown. You may request more spots by adding a figure behind the command, like SHOW/WWV/20. Additionally, you may specify a date to look up WWV data from a specific date, like SHOW/WWV 29-NOV-1997. You may also specify the parameters MAXIMUM or MINIMUM to list maximum or minimum solar flux spots in the last <n> days. In addition to the solar flux, the relative sunspot number (R) is caluclated as this is more common in some areas of the world.


    SHOW/WWV                 Shows the last 5 WWV spots
    SHOW/WWV/20              Shows the last 20 WWV spots
    SHOW/WWV 13-NOV-1997     Shows up to 5 spots from November 13, 1997.
    SHOW/WWV MAXIMUM 60      Shows the 5 spots with the highest SF number
                             in the last 60 days.

19.32 SYSOP

Overview of CLX \version sysop commands

  CONNECT <callsign>               Manually connect a node link
  CREATE/UDT <table> [/<flags>]    Create a database table
  CREATE/!UDT <table> [/<flags>]   Create a database table for remote access
  DB_MAINT                         Maintain the system
  DELete/BULletin <filename>       Delete the bulletin named <filename>
  DELete/BULletin <year>/<file>    Delete the bulletin named <filename> in the 
                                   specified year.
  DESTROY/UDT <table>              Destroy a database
  DISCONNECT <callsign>            Disconnect a user or node
  GET <filename>                   Read a file
  LS <filename>                    List files
  MONITOR <callsign>               Trace a user or node link activity
  PUT <filename>                   Write to a file
  PW                               Initiate Baycom style password dialogue
  PW OFF                           Turn off sysop mode
  REREAD                           Forcea reread of the CLX system files
  RM <filename>                    Delete a file
  SEt/DISTRO <list> <call>         Add <call> to mail distro list
  SEt/LOCKOUT <callsign>           Lock out a callsign
  SEt/MOTD                         Set or alter the login message
  SEt/NOLOCKOUT                    Unlock a callsign
  SEt/NODISTRO <list> <call>       Remove <call> from mail distro list
  SEt/NOMOTD                       Remove the login message
  SEt/NOPRIVILEGE <user>           Unset special privileges for self or <user>
  SEt/PRIVILEGE <user>             Set special privileges for self or <user>
  SHow/CSTAT [<call>] [<call>]     Show connect statistics for <user>

19.33 TALK

Talk <call> <text>
Talk <call>><node_call> <text>
Talk <call>@<node_call> <text>
Talk <call>

TALK is used to send a short talk message to another user who is also connected to the system. See if your partner is connected with the SH/USERS command and then send the text: T <call> <text>.

If you want to start a lengthy conversation, use the second method: Send T <call> once. Now CLX will switch you into Talk Mode. You will be notified that all you type from now on will be sent to your partner. You finish Talk Mode with "/exit" on a new line.

From within the Talk Mode you can issue CLX commands by prefixing them with an asterisk ("*"). For example, *SH/DX 20 will output the last 20 DX callouts without leaving Talk Mode.

Talks will automatically be forwarded to other nodes if your partner station is not connected locally. However, if the callsign is not shown in the user list (SHOW/CONFIGURATION), you may have to force forwarding by specifying the target node on the command line, either using the character > or @. Note that unlike PacketCluster, you must NOT put blanks between the two callsigns.


    TALK DL2NBU Hi Peter, good evening!     Send a one-liner to DL2NBU
    TALK DL2NBU                             Turn on Talk mode to DL2NBU
    TALK DJ0ZY>DB0BCC Hello Radio!          Explicitly specify where you
    TALK DJ0ZY@DB0BCC Hello Radio!          wish to send the talk message.

19.34 TYPE

TYpe/BULletin <name>
TYpe/BULletin <year>/<name>

This command displays the bulletin file specified on the command line. The bulletin tag may be abbreviated and if the year is not specified, the current year is assumed.


    TYPE/BULLETIN OPDX352.98              output OPDX nr. 352 from
                                          the current year which was
                                          uploaded with the name 
    TYPE/BULLETIN 1997/OPDX324.97         output OPDX nr. 324 from
                                          the 1997 directory.

19.35 UPDATE


The UPDATE command is used to enter data into a database table. For example, the QSL database may be updated by using this command.




UPDATE/PROFILE is used to upload or overwrite your login script. This is similar to PacketCluster's UPLOAD/USERCMD. The login script often contains routine commands which are executed at login, like DIR/NEW, SH/DX 10. You can test your profile by using the command EXEC/PROFILE and list it by using SHOW/PROFILE.


UPDate/QSL <dx-call> <manager> [<comment>]

This command is used to update the QSL database. If you wish to enter data, you must follow the syntax above. Entering a comment is optional. Entries may be deleted with the CLEAR/QSL command.

19.36 UPLOAD

UPLoad/BULletin <name>
UPLoad/BULletin <year>/<name>

This command is used to upload a bulletin file into the bulletin area. If the year is not specified, then the current year will be assumed. Otherwise, the year must be specified as a four-digit number. The name of the bulletin file is automatically converted to lower-case letters.


    UPLOAD/BULLETIN OPDX359.98       upload the OPDX nr. 359 to the
                                     current-year directory
    UPLOAD/BULLETIN 1997/OPDX324.97  upload the OPDX nr. 324 to the
                                     1997-year directory

19.37 WCY

WCY k=<k-index>,expk=<expected-k>,a=<a-index>,r=<sunspot number>,
sfi=<solar flux index>,sa=<sun activity>,
gmf=<geomagnetic field>,au=<aurora>

The WCY command is used to enter DK0WCY sun and geomagnetic information into the CLX system. The DK0WCY Aurora Beacon system is providing current data transmitting 24 hours on 10.144 MHz and on 3.579 MHz (7-8, 15-18 utc, summer: -1) from Scheggerott (near Kiel, northern Germany) in CW. The beacon is popular all over Europe among HF and VHF enthusiasts. Further information about DK0WCY can be found on the internet at

Information is structured into the eight data fields:

       k: Kiel k-Index  (0..9)
    expK: expected Kiel k-index for the current 3-h-measuring periode
       A: Kiel A-Index (0..400)
       R: Sunspot Number, SSN (0..300)
     SFI: Solar Flux Index (65..300)
      SA: Sun Activity (qui,eru,act,maj,pro,war,nil)
     GMF: Geomagnetic Field (qui,act,min,maj,sev,mag,war,nil)
      AU: Aurora Status (no,aurora,strong)
For detailed explanation of the parameters, please consult the SHOW/WCY help file.

While A- and k-index are measured at the DK0WCY location near Kiel, the other information is retrieved from Space Environment Center at Boulder/CO.

DK0WCY connects to the CLX system at regular intervals to report the WCY status. Only one status report per hour is accepted. In areas of the CLX network, where DK0WCY messages cannot be received, users may optionally enter WCY data from listening to the 10.144 MHz or 3.579 MHz transmission.


    WCY k=6,expk=5,a=25,r=220,sfi=202,sa=act,gmf=act,au=strong

19.38 WWV

Wwv sf=<flux>,a=<a-index>,k=<k-index>[,<comment>]

The WWV command is used to enter WWV propagation data into the CLX system. It is used in a special format where you must specify Flux, A and K index plus an optional comment.


    WWV SF=94, A=6, K=4 SA=moderate, GF=unsettled

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